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Improving and enhancing your emotional intelligence is key to becoming more successful.
Working from home requires a higher level of emotional intelligence. Understanding self, others, and social interaction are more important than ever. Being aware of your emotions and understanding others (especially when there is no face-to-face interaction) can be extremely beneficial, not only to individuals but to teams, relationships, and trust. This program offers immediate skill improvement and higher emotional intelligence.

Building Effective Emotional Intelligence

Ten Ways This Course Is Different:

  1. This course focuses on application rather than theory. There are application-based activities in each module so participants get to apply what they learn before they go back to work.

  2. This course starts with awareness (first self, then others) while other courses focus on information.

  3. This course shows you how to positively direct your behavior to increase your influence with others.

  4. This course shows you how to understand others’ behavior and motives using questions, listening, and generational differences.

  5. This course shows you how to “slow down” so you are more in the moment which allows you to better manage your initial reaction to events.

  6. How to use this skill to motivate others

  7. How to improve your communication so you can gain a better understanding of what matters most to others and communicate your feelings or opinion in a positive way.

  8. Helps improve your relationships with others. By better understanding yourself and others so you can more effectively connect with others and ultimately form a bond. 

  9. This course is fun, engaging, and finishes with each participant developing an action plan for increasing his or her emotional intelligence.

  10. This course costs far less than the competition, is taught by someone with strong experience, and the results are immediate and lasting.

Course Overview

This course focuses on the development and application of emotional intelligence rather than theory. Participants practice the skills they learn which are the core of achieving personal awareness, connecting with others, managing stress, effectively dealing with others, becoming more flexible to change, and how to regulate personal emotions. Participants first gain a clear understanding of what emotional intelligence is, then how to improve their self-awareness, awareness of others, then how to build an action plan to improve their own emotional intelligence. This is a very application-based course that utilizes group activities so participants are already building this skill before they leave the class.

This course shows you how to tap into your emotions and use them to make your life better. Being in touch with your feelings allows you to manage stress levels and communicate effectively with other people, two skills that enhance your life both personally and professionally. Studies have shown that a high emotional quotient correlates with greater career success, stronger leadership potential, better health, greater relationship satisfaction, better social skills, and higher productivity.


How this course is different – The emphasis of this course is to show participants how to build this skill using a step-by-step plan he or she develops, shares and gets feedback on before leaving class. The result is more immediate implementation and behavior modification, as well as lasting results.

Participants learn:

  • Why emotional intelligence is such an important skill in today’s workplace

  • How important self-awareness is

  • How to stay flexible (even in difficult situations)

  • How to relate better to others

  • How to improve both personal and social skills

  • How to improve self-control

  • How to improve personal motivation and motivate others

This is a team activity-based course where participants practice what they learn before they leave so they are prepared to utilize the skills they learn immediately, with success.

Course Outline


Module 1 – Understanding Emotional Intelligence

  • What is EQ and How Does It Impact Your Performance?

  • What's in it for You to Improve Your Skills

  • Activity

Module 2 – Understanding The Four Emotional Intelligence Skills

  • Identifying Each of the Four Skills In-Depth

  • Examples of Each Skill

  • Understanding when Improvement is Needed

  • Activity

Module 3 – Developing Your Action Plan

  • Reviewing The Results of Your Initial Assessment

  • Understanding Change & Building New Behaviors

  • Reviewing the Twenty Competencies

  • Which are Your Strongest? Which are a Challenge?

  • Activity

  • Prioritizing the Skills You Need to Improve

  • Identifying Your First Skill ( Your Not Going to Improve Them All at One Time)

  • Choosing the Best Strategies That Fit Your Personality

  • Identifying How You're Going to Develop or Practice Your Strategies

  • Being Honest About Your Improvements & Your Set-Backs

  • Activity

Module 4 – Choosing Three Strategies to Improve Each Skill

  1. Self-Awareness

  2. Self-Management

  3. Social Awareness

  4. Relationship Management


Activity - Choose one of the four skills above. Then choose three strategies from the list you're going to implement immediately, to improve that skill. Be prepared to share with your team and the rest of the class. Your team will provide you feedback.

For class sign up or more information feel free to either call us @ 1-800-835-6839 , fill in the contact fields below, or email directly at


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